FAQ’s- Things you want to know!!


Can we just pay for coaching when we want it?


Our program is a structured program consisting of 4 weeks of training and then bi-weekly coaching and accountability until fully funded. Inconsistent coaching and accountability will hinder reaching full funding as quickly. Your coach will even help you to present your training and coaching financial costs to your church or a potential partner to help you fund those costs up front. 

What is included in the training

Funding training includes developing your list of potential partners, writing and practicing your story and presentation, making follow-up phone calls, writing newsletters, developing lasting partners, life/family/work balance while fundraising and developing church relationships.

What is included in the coaching

The coaching will help you set milestones to help you reach your goal quicker. It will include coaching on all aspects of fundraising, making phone calls, meeting with people to tell your story individually, in groups, at churches and before mission boards.  Any obstacles you might be facing will be talked about and possible options considered. Your coach will help you think through spiritual and life issues as you are on this journey.

What about missionaries who are about to come home for home assignment to raise money? Will coaching help them?

Yes, definitely.  Having a coach who will help you think through your Home Assignment before you leave the field, help you update your story, follow your progress while you are working on seeking full funding, and help you with a plan for when you return to the field will help you get back to the field quicker and sustain your funding while back on the field.

Not that I see the gift, but I see the fruit that increases to your credit.
— Phil 4:17